Photo: Nigist from an Ethiopian Self Help Group. Credit: Tearfund Canada
Posts by Sean Copeland, Tearfund Ireland:
Famine in Gaza
The realities and impact of famine run deep in our history and in our national psyche. The people of Ireland have always responded when regions have been at risk of famine, doing as much as possible to prevent famine. When other countries have suffered famine - Biafra, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, etc. - the people of Ireland raised money for food and humanitarian aid. Motivated by compassion and a deep sense of our collective humanity, the Irish have consistently been at the forefront to raise awareness around the conditions attributing to famine and food insecurity. Although we’re a small population, we have little difficulty in making our voices heard, challenging those in positions of power to make decisions for the benefit of all. Yet, unfortunately, our voices continue to be needed.
Headlines, Questions and Identity
The news headlines in recent times have reminded us of the many complex, traumatic and horrendous circumstances facing the international community. At the same time, news headlines here in Ireland repeatedly reveal similarly complex, traumatic and tragic circumstances facing us in our own towns and cities.
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