It is a wonderful thing to see one’s children growing up to become independent adults. I have four children and it has given me great pleasure to be able to declare them ‘fully processed’ making their own way into wider society.
Photo: Nigist from an Ethiopian Self Help Group. Credit: Tearfund Canada
It is a wonderful thing to see one’s children growing up to become independent adults. I have four children and it has given me great pleasure to be able to declare them ‘fully processed’ making their own way into wider society.
Jesus had a remarkable ability to engage and captivate people from all walks of life. The stories he told revealed the nature of God, provided guidance for how to live, and corrected long-held religious assumptions.
I landed in Dublin in 2018, excitedly anticipating my new life here. I was sad to leave behind my family, friends, and the country I’d known and loved for decades. But I was ready for this—I had dreamed of living here for years. And though I love it, there have been many challenges and surprises that arose during my past five years here. Visas, banking, taxes, housing, transportation, terminology/slang, procedures, cultural nuances, food, and many more things were all new or different to me. Navigating so many new things at once can make you tired, frustrated, annoyed, and beyond. And even though I am happy here, I can get homesick for all things familiar. A place where I know I belong, and everything is natural.
Teacher Training in South Sudan: