Ethiopian Woman Smiling at Camera

Photo: Nigist from an Ethiopian Self Help Group. Credit: Tearfund Canada




Posts about crisis:

We Must Do Something

We Must Do Something

I recently read two news stories about food. In Ireland, only one story was a headline but both stories centred around access to food. Each year there is a report which identifies how countries rank in terms of food security. The 2022 Global Food Security Index1 ranks Ireland as number two, out of one-hundred thirteen countries assessed, in four categories that contribute to an overall score. Last year, Ireland was ranked as number one.

A Day of Prayer and Fasting

A Day of Prayer and Fasting

A number of churches and organisations are joining together for a day of prayer and fasting on Sunday, 2nd January 2022.  When I was contacted and asked if Tearfund Ireland would consider supporting this endeavour, my decision was immediate.  Yes, we will support it.














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Entries related to: crisis

We Must Do Something

I recently read two news stories about food. In Ireland, only one story was a headline but both stories centred around access to food. Each year there is a report which identifies how countries rank in terms of food security. The 2022 Global Food Security Index1 ranks Ireland as number two, out of one-hundred thirteen countries assessed, in four categories that contribute to an overall score. Last year, Ireland was ranked as number one.
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A Response to Ukraine

'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,' ~Matthew 25:35
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A Day of Prayer and Fasting

A number of churches and organisations are joining together for a day of prayer and fasting on Sunday, 2nd January 2022. When I was contacted and asked if Tearfund Ireland would consider supporting this endeavour, my decision was immediate. Yes, we will support it.
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